Pre-Mapping a GSM Network
I held a talk about Pre-Mapping a GSM Network Environment for a Pervasive Game using Python for Series 60 Phones at the Europython 2006 conference at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.
I held a talk about Pre-Mapping a GSM Network Environment for a Pervasive Game using Python for Series 60 Phones at the Europython 2006 conference at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.
I just stumbled across the japanese (?) Academic Ubiquitous InfoDB which clearly summarizes our Ubicomp 2006 paper. Cool, if only I could read those unfamiliar signs.
A child is born: Lovecity, our location based mobile phone game, is up and running and participants are starting to play. Today we received about 250 SMS from players, including some from ourselves. The last weeks have been a painful but highly rewarding time. I am extremely grateful to work with such a talented and…
We (the artist from Active Ingredient, Capra and me from MRL) recently went to Tampere / Finland to collect the “Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award 2007” for the heartrate-based game Heartlands (previously known as ‘Ere be Dragons). The judges said “Heartlands (‘Ere Be Dragons) lets us discover a world on top of reality at the rhythm…
ARGUI, the Augmented Reality Graphical User Interface, is a layer on top of ARToolKit for Windows which allows to use the familiar desktop 2D point and click metaphor on arbitrarily positioned and deformed surfaces in 3D Augmented Reality applications. ARGUI was the technical part of my “Diplomarbeit” which is the equivalent to a final year…
As part of the Exurban Noir workshop at the Ubicomp 2006 conference, I spent a day out in Orange County. Here is a description of what had been prepared for us: Group 4: Private Investigations and boats Guide: Rob W. “Robert spent 30 years as a federal agent, training in Washington DC. He has been…
Dig-ID, the computer program, is a scriptable tool that facilitates the creation of interactive 2D presentations with non-interactive 3D backgrounds. It offers high performance 3D graphics through the use of OpenGL, plays 3DS animations with textures, cameras and lighting, AVI videos on arbitrary textures and MP3 and WAV sounds through the use of BASS. Dig-ID,…