Installing Turbogears meets IMDb from scratch
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Installing Turbogears meets IMDb from scratch

I have given my Turbogears meets IMDb webprogramming and scripting lecture again and produced a little video for it. You can see me getting the project to run on a vanilla machine (Python 2.5 and easy_install already installed) in less than two minutes. The video also shows a quick walk-through of the browser-based user interface,…

Faces of Medieninformatik

Faces of Medieninformatik

My former course of study “Medieninformatik” (Media Informatics) at Hochschule Harz just celebrated its 10 years jubilee on the 10th of November 2007. I had been invited to give a talk about Pervasive Gaming and it was a great pleasure to come back to the place where my academic career started and to see so…

Heartlands (‘Ere be Dragons) won the Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award 2007
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Heartlands (‘Ere be Dragons) won the Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award 2007

We (the artist from Active Ingredient, Capra and me from MRL) recently went to Tampere / Finland to collect the “Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award 2007” for the heartrate-based game Heartlands (previously known as ‘Ere be Dragons). The judges said “Heartlands (‘Ere Be Dragons) lets us discover a world on top of reality at the rhythm…

TurboGears meets IMDb
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TurboGears meets IMDb

I recently gave two guest-lectures at Nottingham University on web-programming using TurboGears. The first lecture was a general introduction to Model-View-Controller web-programming using TurboGears. The second lecture was more practical: I wanted to present a full mini-application and show the students how it was built. And I also wanted the application to be at least…

Getting to Grips with TurboGears
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Getting to Grips with TurboGears

I kept this log of my TurboGears installation process on my Windows XP Pro machine. ~19:20: visited webpage “” 19:25 – 19:28: installed running “” with an existing Python 2.4.2 added c:\python24\scripts to the path 19:31: ran “tg-admin info” started writing this notes-file 19:36: started to follow the “getting started” tutorial at 19:37: “easy_install…